International acclaim
The GACC is active around the Globe. For example the GACC has performed with the Siam Orpheus Choir in Bangkok. Featured here in the picture is the Konzerthaus in Vienna where the GACC sang with almost 1.000 singers in the INTERKULTUR Sing Along Concert ON TOUR.
Diversity is our motto !
We live diversity in our members - their ages, their nationalities and languages - as well as in our musical repertoire.
The "Singing Christmas Tree®"
At the start of the Christmas season the GACC presents The "Singing Christmas Tree®" - a unique and fascinating experience for everyone, young and old. Traditional and modern Christmas songs from around Germany, USA and elsewhere.




We sing the songs that make the whole world sing! The GACC is up to nearly every challenge. Our repertoire spans nearly every corner of the globe. From strict classical, to Beatles and Hollywood Film classics, to famous "Singing Christmas Tree®", we warm your heart with music!

The "Singing Christmas Tree®"
Christmas like you've never seen or heard before. A magical & inspiring mix of traditional and non-traditional Christmas songs from Germany and America. It's so popular we offer 5 shows back-to-back over 3 days. Get your tickets while they last !

"Ballads of Diversity"
Under the motto "Ballads of Diversity" we bring you music which directly addresses the issue of discrimination and equal rights and reports on people who stand or stood apart from a social mainstream. The musical stylistic spectrum ranges from Schumann through Verdi and Vaughan-Williams to modern musicals.

„Annelies“ by James Whitbourn
A musical adaptation of the diary of Anne Frank - Annelies and other Jewish choral and ensemble works, which focuses on the "Queen of Klezmer" Irith Gabriely with her quartet "Colalaila Classic".
Musical Direction: Linda Horowitz

"Caribbean Mass" by Glenn McClure
GACC performs the "Caribbean Mass" by Glenn McClure for the Hessen Rundfunk.
A Concert mass with music adapted in part from Latin American folk melodies. The text is based in part on the writings of St. Francis of Assisi. The performance of the Caribbean Mass was a European premiere.

„Misatango“ by Martin Palmeri
The tango-Chorale "Misatango" by the Argentine composer Martin Palmeri goes straight into your ears and under your skin. With the passions and the favorable wistful sounds of "Misatango", Martin Palmeri has succeeded in creating a wonderful composition from the Nordic Chorale text and Argentine tango Nuevo.

"H.M.S. Pinafore" by Gilbert & Sullivan
"H.M.S. Pinafore" belongs to one of the most popular pieces of the composer Gilbert & Sullivan when the song "A British Tar" found its way into the modern film world. This song was sung in the Star Trek movie "The Uprising", as well as in Indiana Jones ("The Last Crusade").
Our Home: Frauenfriedenskirche
Since 1995, the choir has been based in the Frauenfriedensgemeinde in Frankfurt, Bockenheim. Here our rehearsals are taking place in the parish hall and the church provides a perfect setting for our classical concerts and our "Singing Christmas Tree".
Since 1995, the choir has been based in the Frauenfriedensgemeinde in Frankfurt, Bockenheim. Here our rehearsals are taking place in the parish hall and the church provides a perfect setting for our classical concerts and our the "Singing Christmas Tree®".
The church, a symbol of peace that had become stone, was erected between 1927 and 1929 on poor ground, so that by the sinking of the floor cracks in the masonry had formed and windows and doors had warped. Therefore, in 2018 the church had to be closed for renovation and the GACC concerts took place at other locations. After two years of restoration the Frauenfriedenskirche now shines in new splendor and is open to the public again! On November 22nd, 2020, the new altar made of bronze cast designed by Tobias Kammerer was sanctified by Bishof Dr. Georg Bätzing. We are looking forward to performing our next concerts in Frauenfriedesnkirche again.
The listed church with the 12m high mosaic statue of Regina Pacis above the main entrance is dedicated to the Mater Dolorosa. The church was erected on the initiative of the Catholic women of Germany under the leadership of the Catholic German Women's Federation (KDFB) with donations from women from all over Germany as a memorial to peace and a memorial to the fallen during the First World War. In the courtyard of honor, the names of over a thousand fallen soldiers of both world wars recall the horrors of the war and testify to the suffering of the soldiers and their families.